國發會, 台北市。 104,096 個讚 · 445 人正在談論這個 · 1,088 個打卡次。國家發展策略運籌總部 2015年起,國家發展委員會(簡稱:國發會)將在facebook與大家互動,讓意見溝通與交流更為直接、即時,盼您和國發會一同集思廣益,為台灣擘劃方向。
🔍NDC Press Release on Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals 📃Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals is approved by the Legislative Yuan of ROC, marking a… 更多 milestone in Taiwan’s talent recruitment system. 📃The key measures proposed by the Act are listed as follows:
1⃣ Relaxation of regulations on work, visa, and residence
✅ Foreign special professionals are able to apply for “Employment Gold Card”, which is more convenient for foreigners to transfer work or seek jobs; the term of such work permits have been expanded from 3 years to five years.
✅ Foreign freelance artists are allowed to obtain work permits without applying for them through… 更多
  • 余長江