The g0v (pronounced gov zero) open source community in Taiwan will hold its 3rd biennal Summit on the 5,6 and 7th of October in Taipei! 👉 WHAT’S THE G0V SUMMIT? The g0v Summit is the… 更多 largest conference in Asia on civic tech and open government-based issues. The g0v Summit brings engineers, journalists, government officers, NGO workers, researchers, citizens from around the world together to exchange ideas, share practices and connect people together. CALL FOR PROPOSAL The call for proposal is now open and will close on June 30th at 11:59, Taipei time (GMT+8). Submit your ideas, researches, stories on civic tech and open government. 👉 👊 Results will be announced later in July. ✈ If you are based outside Taiwan, you are eligible to apply for a travel stipend for transportation and accommodation. EARLY BIRD TICKETS The first tickets are now available. 👉
William Tiitii Asiata
@{Ty Smith|fatherofnaku} see if @{Clare Curran|100005705749355} can endorse you to get hooked up… 更多 with some professional development funding to go and attend this one.