45歲的洪信介,10年來一直從事著全台灣最危險的工作:植物獵人。他每年至少有100天獨自在森林採集瀕危植物,帶回保種中心培育,隨時可能被毒蛇咬,從樹上摔下來……儘管只有國中學歷,他卻與一群碩士、博士生工作,還被同事們稱為“介神”。#植物 #植物獵人 In the past decade, 45-year-old A Gai Hong has been a plant hunter, the most… 更多 dangerous job across Taiwan. He spends at least 100 days per year in forests collecting endangered plants to bring them back to the conservation center. He can be bitten by a poisonous snake or fall down from a tree at any time. Although only graduating from junior high, he’s now working with a group of postgraduates and doctors, and is called “Master Gai” by his colleagues.