悠遊中科, 台中市。 6,372 個讚 · 24 人正在談論這個 · 7 個打卡次。悠遊中科是中部科學園區管理局所設立的,提供管理局與民眾或園區廠商互動、分享、溝通之管道。 住址:40763 台中市西屯區中科路2號 上班時間:每週一至週五上班時間:08:00-18:00
🍀Key update on 6/6🍀
1. There are 335 indigenous cases confirmed today. Among these new cases, the electronic factory cluster infections continue. CDC already established an instant command post in Miaoli city… 更多 to curb the situation.
2. Taichung has the second highest population of immigrant workers in Taiwan. To ensure the comprehensive COVID-19 protection measures, Taichung city government has already started to plan rapid tests in factories.
3. The 123 protocols of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday🐉🐉🐉
1) ❌ unnecessary cross city movement
2) ⛔️Those who return home during the holidays should self-health monitor for 14 days.
3) ⚠️There will be name registration QR codes set… 更多