國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2018年10月24日上午10:00 · 這件#蘇軾 的 #書尺牘,策展人說:「此札點畫醇厚,筆鋒變化自然,姿態隨意,一派天真。」從內容中推測是蘇軾在被貶於黃州時期所寫,托人送東西給好友陳季常,同時感謝他先前所饋贈之覆盆子,讓他十分感動。
#服用覆盆子一覺到天亮… 更多 #自古文人多沙文 #神品
【宋 蘇軾 書尺牘】Letter
Su Shi (1037-1101), Song dynasty
Album leaf, ink on paper, 27.7 x 44.8 cm
The strokes in this letter are strong and mellow, the variations to the brush tip natural with poses that flow with ease in a innocent and straightforward manner. It has been suggested that the letter was written by Su during his banishment in Huangzhou, where he asked a person to send something to a good friend, Chen Jichang. At the same time, Su offered appreciation for a gift… 更多
Doris Yang