【Flower Basket】
Li Song (fl. ca. 1190-1264), Song dynasty
Album leaf, ink and colors on silk, 26.1 x 26.3 cm
Li Song, a native of Qiantang in Zhejiang, once worked as a carpenter as a youth but was later… 更多 adopted by Li Congshun (fl. 1120-1160), a Painter-in-Attendance at the Painting Academy in the Xuanhe reign of the late Northern Song. Li Song excelled at figure, landscape "ruled-line," and flower painting.
The basket shown here is full of flowers in early spring, making for a festive and auspicious atmosphere for the start of the New Year. The red camellia, green-sepaled plum blossoms, narcissi, chimonanthus, and daphne are placed closely together in a colorful and fragrant combination… 更多
分享 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 在書畫特展2017-2020(話畫、職貢圖、雅集圖、動物展、來禽圖) 相簿中新增了 1 張相片。