【臺灣新創競技場X 新加坡Venturecraft X 馬偕紀念醫院】 首次結合新創培訓、投資媒合及產業經驗的SHOW ME THE MONEY - DIGITAL HEALTH限定版,刻正徵招全台智慧醫療相關新創團隊共襄盛舉。目標進軍國際市場?需要早期資金媒合?想要業界實務驗證? 那請快到活動官網報名,詳細計劃資訊及導師名單也可以在官網上查到喔!。😉Let’s go global !!! 🎉報名網址 https://goo.gl/QCrZ6J
SHOW ME THE MONEY (Smart Health Edition)
2017 SHOW ME THE MONEY (Smart Health Edition) is a selective program designed to equip Taiwan startups in the Smart Health industry with market-driven and connect them with international investors and mentors. Co-hosted by Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS), Venturecraft, FITI/STB, and MacKay Memo