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✨Where is my refund✨
How do foreigners get tax refunds? 首先,您必須在一個日曆年內在台灣居留超過183天。
First,you have to stay in Taiwan more than 183days in a calendar year .
第二,您的雇主必須從工資中扣除稅款,金額超過應付稅額。… 更多
Second, your employer has to deduct tax from salary and the amount is more than tax payable. 【留言+按讚】外國人在台灣居留超過183天,且扣繳稅額超過應付稅額,才能退稅喔! Foreigners stay in Taiwan for more than 183 days, and the withholding tax exceeds the tax payable, in order to refund the tax!
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