國立臺灣交響樂團官網http://www.ntso.gov.tw 41341 臺中市霧峰區中正路738-2號 · 台中市
【陳美安、陳雨婷與國臺交揭開序幕—2017 NTSO X 屯區 國際藝術節】 7/7在國臺交霧峰演奏廳,將由在國際樂壇佔有一席之地的臺灣旅美指揮家陳美安,以及從小就獲獎無數潛力無窮的小提琴新秀陳雨婷,與國臺交帶來【壯闊交響】音樂會,為今年擴大舉行的【2017 NTSO X 屯區 國際藝術節】揭開序幕! 票價只要100元喔!
另外,我們更推出【2017 NTSO X 屯區… 更多 國際藝術節】限量套票,6場【饗宴】系列霧峰場合購只要300元!數量有限,售完為止,要買要快喔! 購票請洽兩廳院售票系統 https://goo.gl/Mc7DZ8
2017 NTSO X 屯區國際藝術節開幕
【壯闊交響】NTSO X 陳美安與陳雨婷 2017/7/7(五)19:30 國立臺灣交響樂團演奏廳(臺中市霧峰區中正路738-2號) 指揮/陳美安
Conductor: Mei-Ann Chen
Violin: Yu-Ting Chen 【曲目】
D. Shostakovich: Festive Overture in A major, Op. 96
F. Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64
B. Smetana: The Moldau from “Má Vlast”
Hindemith: Symphonic Metamorphosis on Themes of Carl Maria von Webe 【入場方式】
票價100元 ,限量【2017 NTSO X 屯區國際藝術節】套票,6場【饗宴】霧峰場合購300元,售完為止。 【2017 NTSO X 屯區 國際藝術節】全系列一覽表 https://goo.gl/6mFWqM #2017NTSOX屯區國際藝術節 #NTSO #國臺交
  • Duoby Danier
    May 1924 issue of La Revue musicale was a commemorative… 更多 featuring a supplement of pieces composed in honor of one of France's greatest poets by Ravel, Honegger, Caplet, and Delage. To this occasion we also owe Dukas' single extant song, a setting of Ronsard's sonnet "Ha! Bel Acueil, que ta douce parole," and that startling anomaly, Roussel's setting of Rossignol, mon mignonne for medium voice and flute. Far from being the gimmick this suggests, the combination exactly renders the sense of Ronsard's poem, the nightingale's blithesome descant as the lover complains that his beloved stops her ears to avoid hearing his songs -- "We sigh alike: Your sweet voice attempts To tell the affection of… 更多