小編朝思暮想.期待已久的臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華精彩影片【終於出爐!!】<br> 快來和小編一起狂熱分享來自今年夏天屬於台東的隆重巨獻<br> 6/30-8/13臺東鹿野高台 快來跟我們熱血一次<br> 翻開你的日曆! 拿起你的電話! 快跟朋友一起揪來熱氣球<br> 【小編的工商時間】<br> 如果你喜歡這部影片的話,就在下方的【分享】或按【讚】 👍欄位…..<br> 大力給他揍下去....... (這個很重要) # 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華 <br> # 熱血的熱氣球宣傳影片… 更多<br> # 6/30-8/13隆重登場<br> #看完心臟會噗通噗通跳<br> #別忘記開幕光雕有玖壹壹<br> #鹿野高台不見不散 The editor has been expecting this moment for a very long time – the clips on Taiwan International Balloon Festival are out now. <br> Come and share with the editor the passion of this summer’s great event in Taitung.<br> Come and visit Luye Gaotai, Taitung from June 30 to August 13. Let’s have some fun.<br> Put down the date on your calendar. Pick up your phone. Call some friends to get some fun by riding these hot air balloons