雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 臺灣大學昨天(11)舉行校園徵才企業博覽會,包含臺積電、鴻海集團、臺達電等200多家企業參與;現場除了廠商的徵才攤位,還提供職涯諮詢、校友分享經驗談。學校表示,未來兩週將在校園安排50場企業說明會,幫助學生更了解企業概況。
National… 更多 Taiwan University (NTU) held a campus career fair yesterday. More than 200 companies including TSMC, Foxconn Technology Group, Delta Electronics Inc. participated in this event. Aside from various career booths soliciting talents on site, it also provided career counseling, lectures on experience sharing by alumni. NTU said that 50 career seminars will be initiated in campus within the next two weeks to bring students up to date on corporate information.” 更多雙語新聞:http://www.ner.gov.tw/index.php?act=culnews&culnews_category=19