選在夏至跟各位分享夏至獨有的郵輪觀光熱點:挪威北角(North Cape, Norway)。位在挪威北方的北極區內,北角每年吸引世界各地無數觀光客來欣賞午夜太陽的奇景(2016年為例全年觀光客超過26萬),。看似落下的太陽又瞬間升起,當然是此生必定要走一回的世界邊境奇景!
北角陸路交通不便,搭乘郵輪賞奇景就是最愜意的旅行方式! At Summer Solstice, we would like to… 更多 introduce the summer limited destination of cruise tour: the North Cape, Norway. In Arctic Circle of Northern Norway, the North Cape attracts 260 thousands tourists (in 2016) to visit it.
You should not miss the moment of the sunrise immediately following the sunset at the frontier of the world in your lifetime.
Since the North Cape is not easy to get via the land traffic, the cruise tour might be the most recommended way to visit it! https://youtu.be/2hwSC3cEKHo
The Midnight Sun - Timelapse and aerial photography in 4K, Norway 2016 (Sony A6300, DJI Phantom 4)
Experience the midnight sun north of the Arctic Circle with the eyes of an energetic drone and through silky smooth timelapse sequences. This is the first of...