【創業大冒險】成為企業轉型推手!第二屆『#N世代學苑』即將啟航💪 #第一屆企業學員見證
🙋♂️:簡化本來繁瑣的下單流程,也協助我們梳理數據背後的意義 #第二屆學制報名即將截止
透過不同學習機制,N世代學苑陪伴中小企業接班團隊,加速數位轉型🔥… 更多。今年的實戰班學制已截止報名,感謝各個認真撰寫計畫書的團隊,共學班學制也在倒數收件囉,一同掌握和相近產業學員參與主題培訓課程的機會! 潛力企業共學班|3/18(五) 17:00 截止收件
➠➠ 透過共學引導,由產業導師協助企業建構自身的轉型藍圖與方案規劃 👉 👉 點選『立即報名』:https://bit.ly/3meTo2J 📣📣 諮詢報名:02-2332-8558#319、#320(N世代學苑工作小組) 【Startup Adventure】Join us for 2nd NexTech Academy! In 2022, with the experienced coaching team, the NexTechAcademy is going to provide long-term assistance for small and medium enterprise members to develop the abilities of ☸transformation, ✡innovation and the ☮inheritance. Our experts will show you how to make your company strategies better, simplify your workflow, inspire creativity and connection in your team, and so forth. If you are ready to start a new advanture, please sign up now before March.18
👉 https://bit.ly/3meTo2J #NexTechAcademy