Love Boat 是部1977年代紅極一時的美國連續劇,內容描述在太平洋公主號郵輪上一連串浪漫幽默的故事,廣受好評到公主遊輪以及劇中描述的阿拉斯加航線也一起聲名大噪。
#… 更多以小編的年紀絕對不可能看過這個一切都是新一哥哥告訴我的
#歡迎符合年紀的自己對號入座 The theme song of Love Boat, which was a famous TV series set on Pacific Princess in 1977. A lot of romantic and humorous stories on this ship made Princess Cruises as well as the itinerary of Alaska cruises so famous!
Today the theme song is rearranged as the whistle of Majestic Princess. Since she had several turnaround calls in Keelung Port, people are familiar with the whistle. Somebody proposes it could be the new theme song of Keelung! https://youtu.be/tbO2hlNb6w8