國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 11 張相片。2018年6月4日上午11:32 · #乘風破浪同安船! #政大
同安船桌上遊戲工作坊成果 暨 故宮新媒體藝術展(免費入場!歡迎參觀)
Brave the Wind and the Waves:Tong-an Ship Board Game Workshop Showcase and the National Palace Museum New Media Art Exhibition (admission free)… 更多
Exhibition Hours: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 13:30-16:30
地點:國立政治大學 研創中心一樓 文山未來館
Exhibition Location: NCCU Research and Innovation-Incubation Center, First floor
Fare: Free Admission
Contact us: NCCU Transartistry project +886-2-29393091#69303
Website: http://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh107/BravetheWind/en/index.html還有 8 張