【財經補給讚】來自領頭羊的啟示,2021 Google AI技術總結與大神的趨勢觀點 🟧Google在AI領域不僅投入長期的研究,更是技術的實踐者
🟧有著AI大神🦸♂️之稱Jeff Dean是其中的靈魂人物
🟧… 更多在AI無處不在的當下,Jeff大神看到了哪些趨勢📈? ◾不愛♥️原文沒關係,本文翻譯整理2021 Google AI技術總結
◾期待能讓更多人對AI有進一步的認識 文章連結👇
https://pse.is/3xd6v5 #專有名詞有點多
#人工智慧 【Google Research: Themes from 2021 and Beyond】 Jeff Dean, Senior Fellow and SVP of Google Research has witnessed a lot of change in the fields of machine learning (ML) and computer science.
He thinks we'll see a number of exciting advances over the next several years, advances that will ultimately benefit the lives of billions of people with greater impact than ever before. This article highlight areas where ML is poised to have such impact.
【新興領域/2022.2焦點】來自領頭羊的啟示,2021 Google AI技術總結與大神的趨勢觀點|FINDIT:台灣新創募資第一站