【創業大冒險】面對淨零(Net Zero)碳排您了解多少?👀 因應西元2050年淨零碳排目標,「中小企業網路大學校」推出了「淨零碳排專區」分別有循環經濟、綠色商機及企業案例,帶大家了解碳趨勢、碳中和、綠色商機,接軌國際綠色趨勢! 淨零排放不是不排放,而是努力讓人為造成的溫室氣體排放極小化,再用負碳技術、森林碳匯等方法抵消,達到淨零排放。 ✅企業綠色轉型 三步驟
👉🏻… 更多https://reurl.cc/AKM0bE
👉🏻https://reurl.cc/7eKMWk #中小網大 #循環經濟 #綠色商機 #淨零碳排 【Startup Adventure】 How much do you know about net zero carbon emissions? "SME Online Learning University" has launched a "net-zero carbon emission zone" with circular economy, green business opportunities and corporate cases, to show you about carbon trends, carbon neutrality, and green business opportunities, and to follow the international green trend! ✅Three Steps for Enterprise Green Transformation
Change lost and buy, circular economy becomes part of life
Global net zero, how can companies reduce carbon emissions?
How can industry reduce carbon?