【創業大冒險】社會創新✖永續發展目標系列分享|SDG16和平、正義及健全制度 SDG16針對人身安全及制度提出相關倡議,包括透明有效率的政府、平等的司法資源、具包容性的機構等等
期許建立具公信力且廣納民意的制度體系,賦予每個人公平生存的機會👨 ◖促進和平且包容的社會🕊◗
🦯… 更多黑暗對話為視障者打造一個公平及無障礙的就業環境,轉化不便為強項,透過體驗活動促進大眾關注平權 🔸了解更多社會創新組織,請上社會創新平台:
https://pse.is/3yaxsa #社會創新 #永續發展目標 #SDG16 【Start-up Adventure】Social Innovation x SDGs series introduction | SDG16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions SDG16 promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. 📣 Tainan Sprout aims at supervising policies by improving the public's understanding of municipal administration, raising policies for discussion, and participating in policy advocacy. 🦯DIALOGUE IN THE DARK TAIPEI uses darkness as a medium to provide workplace development space for the visually impaired, and create education and training for self-awareness and change. #SocailInnovation #SDGs #SDG16