【創業大冒險】2022 TAcc+ International Program 開始徵件囉! TAcc+國際級加速器海外徵件開始啦!!!這次主要聚焦在智慧物聯網(AIoT)和健康照護(Healthcare)領域,最終入選的10家國際團隊可享有: ✨一張來臺灣的來回機票
✨與臺灣企業、供應鏈、新創生態系合作機會及企業參訪… 更多 報名至2月25日止,歡迎認識國際新創的夥伴們推薦團隊報名參加唷! 👉詳見活動網站 https://pse.is/3wpgfm #TAcc+ #台灣最新型國際級加速器 #智慧物聯網 #健康照護 #海外徵件 #落地臺灣 【Startup Adventure】Our International Program 2022 is about to start. ❤️ TAcc+ is an International Accelerator in Taiwan initiated by Small & Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affair, focusing on AIoT and Healthcare. 2022 TAcc+ International Program lets global startups dive into Taiwan and Asian market within one month. The application starts from now until February 25th. The TOP 10 selected startups will earn the following:
✨1 flight ticket to Taiwan for each team
✨1 month free accommodation& co-working space
✨1-on-1 consultancy
✨Corporate innovation tour & business matching
✨Matching supply chain, strategic partners, investors, and potential customers 👉More Info: 👉https://pse.is/3wpgfm #TAcc+ #InternationalAcceleratoinTaiwan #AIoT #Healthcare #landingTaiwan