創意生活情報粉絲俱樂部。 20,559 個讚 · 431 人正在談論這個。體驗是只可意會,不可言傳的個人感受,也是創意生活產業的重要特色。快來探索台灣各種不同風格的生活感動...
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Let’s check it out!
I'll heard about this restaurant was from a rank about "the most beautiful book store in the world-top20… 更多". Strange, right? In fact ,VVG was a series of shop, including Cafe, candy shop...and so forth. This time I came to the one of restaurant "VVG Bistro "near to Zhongxiao Dunhua station. Hide in alleys, when you walk into the path, bouquets of flowers and piles of brocades; rich multicolored decoration. The food here mostly provides you some pasta or brunch. Also, there are some desserts you can try. Not only looks pretty but also tasty. A restaurant which suitable for friends dine together and have some wonderful time.
►Add: No.13, Aly. 40, Ln. 181, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei (台北市忠孝東路四段181巷40弄13號)
►Tel: 02-27731358
►Opening Hours: PM12:00-PM:9:00
#VVG #全球最美的二十家書店之一
🛒創意生活行旅:行家帶你遊台灣 http://t.cn/R8dP6Me