「金山蹦火仔」(Jinshan Sulfuric Fire Fishing)是臺灣新北市金山區磺港的獨特捕魚技術,已傳承百年。漁夫使用磺石加水產生乙炔,點火瞬間會發出「蹦」的聲響,魚群受到火光吸引,紛紛躍出海面,因此得名。 請看「關鍵評論The News Lens」的相關報導,原文網址:
Only Sulfuric Fire Fishing Technique in the World Registered as Cultural Asset in Taiwan - The News Lens International Edition
Sulfuric fire fishing was one of the eight must-see attractions in Jinshan in the past. The magnificent scene is now an important national treasure in the hundreds of years of the fishing industry in Taiwan.