分享 台灣黑面琵鷺保育學會 Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association
我們學會今年度黑面琵鷺全球普查的結果出來囉,比去年減少了479隻,且黑琵分佈地更散更廣了。黑琵的數量與分布可以反映出棲地的情形,今年有更多濕地將要面臨開發的危機,也請大家多關照我們的環境。<br> The result of global BFS census by BFSA this year reveals that the amount is 479 fewer than last year. Meanwhile,… 更多 BFS is more widely distributed. The number and distribution of BFS can reflect the variations of habitat. This year many wetlands will face the crisis of development. Please cherish our environment.