【創業家頻道】就在明天📣11/8(一)09:30直播預告:電動車產業的變局與商機PARTII 電動車產業巨擘—特斯拉近年來開創了電動車潮流時代,其特殊商業模式及改變傳統供應鏈對於該產業形成莫大影響,引領全球車廠相繼投入開發新型態電動車,更開拓許多服務消費性市場,使新創/創新企業找到產業切入點。 本次活動邀請到北美臺商共同探討電動車產業的變局與商機,精彩分享千萬不要錯過! 📍時間:11/8(一)… 更多 09:30-10:30
Optimal, Inc./楊嵩林 執行長
貿聯控股公司/鄧劍華 總經理
拓墣產業研究院 / 陳虹燕研究副理
🗣️主持人:中華經營智慧分享協會/徐竹先 秘書長 【Startup Channel】Goodbye Petrol, Hello EV: Opportunities & Challenges of EV Industry 📣 Live pre-event briefing Taiwan is known for Foxconn, TSMC and supplying 75% of TESLA’s components. The opportunity for startups is to leverage Taiwan’s unique prowess in manufacturing and global supply chain to build the next-generation mobility solutions: cabin intelligence (CI), connectivity, electrification, and shared mobility. This online event invites startups and industry leaders to share the future trends and applications for development of EVs. Join us for live virtual discussions on Monday! 📍Topic: International Entrepreneurship Salon on EVs
📍Date: Nov. 8th, 09:30-10:30 am
📍Location: SMEA Facebook page LIVE