經濟部中小企業處, 台北市。 75,505 個讚 · 1,076 人正在談論這個 · 1,172 個打卡次。瞭解.關心.服務.尊重 願景 : 中小企業創業成長發展的園地 組織定位 : 中小企業創業成長的後盾,迅速有效整合資源,提升競爭力
【創業大冒險】林口新創園帶領新創參與兩大洲線上活動🔥 🔥 您是想了解國外市場的新創夥伴嗎?或者是您專研於智慧醫療、資訊安全以及金融科技呢?歡迎您跟我們線上與會這幾場國際盛宴,一同了解最新國際市場消息吧😍😍! 🎉 Digital4 Foundation主辦 ✨美國場(10/18-22)American Digital Week
詳細資訊:https://dw.digital4america.com/ ✨… 更多歐洲場(11/22-27) European Digital Week
詳細資訊:https://dw.digital4europe.com/ In the second half of the year, Startup Terrace will lead a startup to participate in online activities around the globe 🔥 🔥 Do you want to open up foreign markets? Or do you specialize in smart healthcare, security, and financial technology? Please join us at these international online feasts to learn about the latest international news😍😍! 🎉 hosted by Digital4 Foundation: ✨ American (10/18-22) American Digital Week
For more information: https://dw.digital4america.com/ ✨ European (11/22-27) European Digital Week
For more information: https://dw.digital4europe.com/