Despite of #dieselgate. ( VW… 更多 strives to be leader in e-cars, self-driving vehicles. )
Voters in Germany's northernmost state are casting their ballots in a closely-watched regional election. The poll is being seen as a test of Angela Merkel's popularity ahead of September's federal election. ( P.S. 德國綠黨 Green Party, 社會民主黨 SPD&基督教民主黨 CDU 皆有推出參選人, 所以, 柯文哲大統領、 綠社盟、 樹黨&時代力量以及廣大公民鄉親皆須密切注意德國的政經局勢發展, 因為台灣在各面向領域必須向歐洲經濟火車頭 Deutschland 看齊. )
Local communities don't like the idea. ( Japan seeks final resting place for highly radioactive nuclear waste. )