【創業大冒險】🥳女性創業沙龍【她世代來臨,女企業家的成功關鍵】重點筆記✍️ 今年女性創業沙龍9月場講座【她世代來臨,女企業家的成功關鍵】,邀請到三位粉厲害的女性企業家:
分享藉由女力特質,帶領公司業績蒸蒸日上🤩 ✍️這次小編整理企業經營的重點筆記給大家
趕快點擊圖片瞧瞧吧!… 更多
更多女創消息,都在 女性創業飛雁計畫💪 【Startup Adventure】Women Entrepreneurship Salons Takeaways✍️ for "SheTime,the keys to successful female entrepreurs" The three powerful female entrepreneurs in September events are:
✨ Jamie Chou, Marketing Director of foodpanda Taiwan
✨ An-Li, Liu, Founder of Geosun Advertising Co., Ltd.
✨ Julie Tan, President of LinkCom Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
They are role models of moving companies forwards with female characteristics. ✍️ Check out our photos for more notes about business management and information about female entrepreneurship!