【Civic Tech Fest】世界公民科技武林大會在台北 開放文化基金會舉辦亞洲首次公民科技週,來自亞、歐、美、非、大洋洲,超過 14 國的多元講者,帶來第一手的公民科技研究與心法!同場加映 10+ 場週邊活動: 黑客松、工作坊、Civic Tech Grant Demo Party、開放政府報告發表會......還有更多,千萬別錯過! 歡迎索取 OCF 贊助優惠票 >> … 更多https://goo.gl/M5cxbc
!Check! Agenda 前往議程 >>http://civictechfest.org/agenda
!Note! Early Bird Ticket until July 21th Check out our outstanding speakers from the Omidyar Network, UNICEF, the Web Foundation, government ministries of France and Taiwan, leading universities, and many more. It’s such a great opportunity to meet them in person at #TICTeC@Taipei ! Get a ticket now>> http://civictechfest.org/ticket
原來「數位政委」是翻成 "Digital Minister without portfolio",還好不是 Several Ministers :p