【服務.城鄉】📣疫情下的運動商機,台星一起動滋動🏋🚴🏃 疫情下,新加坡祭出嚴格的社交管制
安全的健身需求形成急切的商機,台灣企業該如何聯合出擊呢🤷 新南向輔導之智慧運動主題聯盟以「G-Sport」聯合品牌
攜手新加坡在地健身房The Gym Pod
成功迅速拓展逾20個據點🌏… 更多
👉無人健身房看這裡:https://www.thegympod.com/ ➡聯盟邀請新加坡Jasper、台灣小茉莉二位健身網紅連線直播開箱無人健身房一日體驗,於新加坡引起廣大迴響👏
🎥一起來看開箱影片吧:https://lihi1.com/eysXx #數位創新
#智慧運動主題聯盟 【Serving City and Country】📣Sports business opportunity during the pandemic: Let’s exercise together with KOLs from Taiwan and Singapore🏋🚴🏃 During the pandemic, social distancing is strictly required in Singapore. The need for safe exercise becomes an urgent business opportunity. The question is how Taiwan sports industry should get into the market as an alliance. 🤷 Smart… 更多