亞洲最大郵輪海洋量子號(Quantum of the Seas),突破郵輪遊戲規則,船上擁有量子系列獨有的北極星觀景台(North Star),北極星寶石形玻璃艙可上升至距離海平面90公尺高空,一覽海洋量子號全景及無垠的浩瀚海洋。 本次海洋量子號由上海出發後,將於5月9日(一)抵達台中,並於當晚駛離台灣。 Quantum of the Seas with the jewel-shaped capsule… 更多 that ascends over 300 feet above sea level is the biggest cruise in Asia. Taking 360° views of the extensive sea from North Star is one of the most anticipated characteristics on this cruise. Quantum of the Seas will arrive in Taichung on May 9th, leaving at night. 資料及圖片來源:皇家加勒比國際郵輪官網及臉書粉絲專頁