北部院區開放時間:第一展覽區(正館、兒童學藝中心 ),週二至週日9:00至17:00,週一休館。 ◆網站(北部院區):www.npm.gov.tw ◆網站(南部院區):south.npm.gov.tw   No. 221, Section 2, ZhìShàn Rd,,, 臺北市 111
👏動感查烏‧印度面具樂舞 👏
➡️時間:2018/01/27 17:00-18:00
➡️地點:國立故宮博物院 北部院區 正館B1樓
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  查烏舞(Chhau Dance)是流傳在東印度三邦:賈汗德邦、奧里薩邦、西孟加拉邦的民間舞蹈;「查烏」一詞源於梵語“Chhaya Chhaya”,意思是面具、影子或形象。演出的劇本大都是改編自印度史詩《羅摩衍那》和《摩訶婆羅多》裡的故事、神話或民間傳說、或抽象的主題;舞蹈動作則是模擬作戰技巧和大自然中的鳥類野獸;而舞者們用來傳達情感和詮釋角色特質時所穿戴的華麗服裝、頭飾和面具,更是表演時最重要且吸睛的元素。
17:00-17:05 Remarks 致詞
17:05-17:20 Mahishasura Vadh 都加女神除水牛魔王
17:20-15:35 Kirata-Arjuna Saga 獵人和阿朱那的故事
17:35-17:50 Abhimanyu Badh 勇士阿比曼的故事
17:50-18:00 Present Bouquet & Photos獻花及合影
分享 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
👏 Chhau Nritya: Dancing Tales from India at National Palace Museum!!<br> ➡️Date & Time: 27 JAN 2018, 17:00~18:00 (Free Admission) ‼️<br> ➡️Venue: Main Exhibition Hall B1,Northern Branch, National Palace Museum… 更多<br> ****************************************<br>   Chhau Dance, a traditional dance of eastern India. This dance form is predominantly seen in the states of Odissa, West Bengal and Jharkhand. The word Chhau is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Chhaya’ which essentially means masks, shadow or image. Chhau dance enacts episodes from epics including the Mahabharata and Ramayana, local folklore and abstract themes. Its origin is traceable to indigenous forms of dance and martial practices. Its vocabulary… 更多
  • 林曉蕾