【Letter to Abbot Zhongfeng】
Guan Daosheng (1262-1319), Yuan dynasty
Album leaf, ink on paper, 31.7 x 72.9 cm
The Expressive Significance of Brush and Ink: Selections… 更多 from the History of Chinese Calligraphy
Galleries: 204, 206 Exhibition Area I (Northern Branch)
Dates: 01 JAN 2018 ~ 25 MARCH 2018
Website: http://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh107/calligraphy10701/en/index.html
Guan Daosheng (style name Zhongji), a native of Wuxing (modern Wuxing, Zhejiang), was the wife of Zhao Mengfu. Besides being a devout Buddhist, she excelled at painting ink bamboo, plum blossoms, and orchids as well as landscape and Buddhist… 更多
分享 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 在書法—篆書、筆墨見真章、十七帖… 相簿中新增了 1 張相片。