【創業大冒險】TAcc+國際培訓課程徵選Top10團隊名單出爐囉🎉🎉 TAcc+以鏈結臺灣產業優勢,與國際接軌,打造亞太地區首選的創業培訓基地為目標💪💪 這次國際培訓課程招募國際新創團隊來臺,今年從報名隊伍20個國家、73個團隊中,經過數幾個月的重重關卡審核,最終選出這10家!🎊 接下來我們會提供:
✨亞洲市場分析課程,與制定亞洲市場發展策略… 更多
✨引介臺灣關鍵供應鏈企業、企業拜訪、商業媒合,以及引薦策略夥伴、投資人與潛在客戶🤝 🌐 更多豐富資訊都在 TAcc+ #國際培訓課程:https://pse.is/3l7t85 【Startup Adventure】TOP 10 of International Program 2021 🎉🎉 TAcc+ international program aims to attract global startups who are interested in Asian market. It was very difficult for us to make the final choice from these 73 teams from 20 countries. After a long judging process, we are thrilled to announce 10 startups who are invited to Soft Landing Program in Taiwan. These teams will earn the following list,
✨1 flight ticket to Taiwan/each team
✨1 month free accommodation Startup Terrace
✨1 month free co-working space TAcc+ Linkou
✨Corporate innovation tour & business matching
✨Asian market analysis & strategy
✨Matching supply chain, strategic partners, investors, and potential customers 🌐 TAcc+ international program website: https://pse.is/3l7t85