✨全新一季《#週五來聊Bar》Podcast 正式登場!
由全臺灣最暖私廚 #史達魯 擔任主持人,帶你訪尋隱身在臺灣各巷弄之間的在地職人,是如何用臺灣鄉土風情拼出經濟實力!💪💪💪
敬請 #每週五下午5點,準時鎖定《#週五來聊Bar之魯果有一天》
⭐本週大來賓:鮮乳坊 龔建嘉 阿嘉… 更多
📌本週發聲時間:7月30日(五) 17:00
【Startup Adventure】Friday Night Bar Podcast 🎧
Hosted by Chef Stalu, the warm heart and lovely chef in Taiwan. He will lead us to get to know more different local Taiwanese communities which are hidden among the alleys in Taiwan! You can find us every Friday at 5:00pm, on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundon, Firstory, Google Podcast, and KKBOX. 📌Newest Episode Release: 30th Jul, 5:00pm
📌Join us here: https://pse.is/3leqfg