The taxonomic status of the Bornean pygmy elephant, as it’s popularly known because they are about one fifth smaller… 更多 than other Asian elephants, is in limbo. Genetic data shows it may have evolved independently for 300,000 years. Some have proposed that the animal should be listed as a separate subspecies. 然而,婆羅洲侏儒象目前並沒有被獨立出來成為新的亞種。目前僅剩1500到2000隻的牠們屬於嚴重瀕危的物種。由於商業考量,原本的鬱鬱森林被改種植短期經濟價值較高的油棕,但這也使牠們的棲息地日漸破碎化,而森林的消失以及棲息地的破壞也是婆羅洲侏儒象最大的生存威脅。
However they wind up classified, the Borneo’s elephants are gravely endangered: only 1,500 to 2,000 survive today in a decreasing habitat fractured by industrial palm… 更多
World's smallest elephants killed for ivory in Borneo
Asian elephants have faced less poaching than their African cousins but the latest grisly finds have led conservationists to worry for their survival