自己的國家自己救。邁向國際化國家,台灣需要大步往前走。 啟動英語成為第二(官方)語言,政府終於願意嚴肅面對,我們亟需開啟社會的公共討論。 不能走回「考試引導教學」、傳統的、失敗的英語教育老路,我們需要的是全方位建構一個「英語生活友善環境」。 English as second official language,step by step. We will launch official office,start… 更多 research group and policy analysis. And of course,we need to have more public discussion and enlarge more citizen participation. It should be a national strategy. To enhance English proficiency,both public and private sectors should work together. Just do it. Let's start public discussion.