【創業大冒險】社會創新組織線上法律諮詢服務開始囉! 📌防疫期間,社創諮詢服務不中斷!
本處從行銷營運各方面協助社會創新發展,自6月起提供社創線上法律諮詢服務 💪 可供詢問的法律問題包括:
1. 智慧財產權
2. 稅法
3. 勞動法規
4. B2B契約… 更多
5. 消費糾紛
6. 其他法律問題… 👉只要您登錄 #社會創新組織資料庫,均可免費申請法律諮詢,由專業律師線上解答社創法律問題! 💡我要預約:https://reurl.cc/Gmm6WW
💡更多社會創新資源詳見社會創新平台:https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/ #社會創新
#社創法律諮詢 【Startup Adventure】Social innovation organization online legal consulting service will be launched in June! Small and Medium Enterprise Administration(SMEA) plans to launch consulting services for social innovation organizations . First, the legal consulting service of social innovation organizations will be start in June. 💪 👉If you are a social innovation organization registered on # SocialImpactPlatform, then you can apply for our legal consultation and ask our lawyers online. 💡Make an appointment:
💡More Information: https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/