【創業大冒險】📢📢110年第23屆金書獎甄選活動開跑囉!!!🎉 經濟部中小企業處為帶動中小企業讀書風氣📖
讓更多優良中小企業經營管理出版品被看到📚 ✨本(110)年度第23屆「金書獎甄選活動」開跑囉
歡迎各優良經營管理出版品踴躍報名參加🏆 ⏰申請期限:自即日起至民國110年6月30日(星期三)下午5時止。(以郵戳為憑)… 更多
社團法人中華民國管理科學學會 張小姐、王小姐
📷更多資訊請見金書獎網站:https://books.moeasmea.gov.tw 📢這麼好康,按讚➕分享📢 #第23屆金書獎 【Startup Adventure】📢📢 Apply now for the 23rd Golden Book Awards!!! 🎉 The Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, organizes the Golden Book Awards to select and recommend books on business operation and management for small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs). The award-winning books would help SMEs strengthen management capacity and expand horizons.
Apply now for the 23rd Golden Book Awards! ⏰Application deadline:must be postmarked by 5 p.m. June 30, 2021 (Wed.)
🎤Contact:CMA Ms. Chang and Ms. Wang
E-mail:books@mail.management.org.tw 📢 Apply now➕ Like ➕ Share 📢 📷More details will be announced on https://books.moeasmea.gov.tw #The23rdGoldenBookAwards