華語文能力測驗將在3月4日及5日舉行,報名時間從1月9日起至1月25日止,歡迎母語非華語之人士報考。名額有限, 請儘早報名!
※聽讀能力證書核發規範:… 更多http://www.sc-top.org.tw/download/Issuance%20of%20Certificates%20Regulations.pdf
※請在報名完成後三天內繳費,以免報名失效。 Please be notified that the formal TOCFL test of 2017 will be administered on March 4 and 5. The registration period is from January 9 to January 25. Welcome the candidates who are non-native speakers of Chinese to take the test. The test seats are limited, seize the chance!
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