【創業大冒險】女力報到🙌女性創業知能課程 #5月課程 搶先報⏰ 想要提升創業知識嗎?
想要有機會認識其他女性創業者嗎? 5月份 女性創業飛雁計畫 會在 #台中、#高雄 開課,歡迎想要創業、已有創業想法或已經在創業的妳,加入飛雁的行列💪 ✨ 5/11台中:從創意到生意~獲利商模探索與實務分享
✨ 5/13高雄:社群新商機!團購商業模式分享
✨ 5/14高雄:資金哪裡來 創業貸款的申辦攻略… 更多 立即報名🌸 https://reurl.cc/GdL1rA 【Startup Adventure】Women entrepreneurship courses- the themes in May. ❤️ Four courses will be held in Taichung and Kaohsiung: ✨ May 11th, Taichung
Profitable business model exploration and practical experience sharing.
✨ May 13th, Kaohsiung
New business opportunities for the community! Group buying business model sharing.
✨ May 14th, Kaohsiung
Where does the capital come from? How to apply for business loans? Welcome all entrepreneurial women to join us!
Register now👉https://reurl.cc/GdL1rA