【創業大冒險】讓我們大聲說媽媽我愛妳!母親節直播特輯預告🌸🌿 今年Facebook #SheMeansBusinessTaiwan 與女性創業飛雁計畫將於母親節推出特別直播活動! ❤主題:「母親節特別直播:超級協槓媽媽」
❤日期:5/7(五) 12:30~13:30
❤直播平台:經濟部中小企業處、女性創業飛雁計畫 這次特別邀請女性創業家分享,身為女性要如何兼顧「家庭與事業 」,以及「如何掌握經營粉絲專頁的原則 」!… 更多 今年母親節,趕緊用愛表達對媽媽的感謝😉
祝福全天下所有媽媽 #母親節快樂🌸🌿 【Startup Adventure】Happy Mother’s Day! Our special LIVE STREAM is coming soon🌸🌿 This year, Facebook #SheMeansBusinessTaiwan collaborates with The Women Entrepreneurship Program for the Mother’s Day special live session! The theme is "Slashie Moms. "❤ The Women Entrepreneurship Program invite the entrepreneurs to share their experience on ‘the balance between family and career’ and ‘their principles of operating fan pages.’ 💪💪 Wish you all have a very Happy Mother's Day. 🌸🌿