【創業大冒險】 📢「瘋學習」直播來囉!!📢 在面對一波波數位浪潮,例如直播、訂閱經濟、影音行銷,想知道創業過程中該學哪些行銷?創業過程中要如何經營顧客?有哪些數位解決方案可以協助創業? ⭐買好美味午餐搭配「瘋學習」直播學新知⭐ ✨✨這次有榮幸邀請圭話行銷創辦人 何佳勳老師,與大家共進午餐時光~ 精彩內容,不容錯過~
✨✨直播限定粉絲拿好禮!數量有限敬請準時收看喔!! 📍直播時間:4/29(四)12:30… 更多
📍直播頻道:經濟部中小企業處FB、中小網大蜂學習FB 【Startup Adventure】SME Learning Live Broadcasting Coming Soon📢📢📢 During the digital tsunami, such as live broadcasting, subscription economy, video and audio marketing, ⭐Want to know what marketing to learn to start a business?
⭐How to engage your customers in the process of starting a business?
⭐What digital solutions are there to assist in starting a business? 📍Live topic: Marketing tactics you must learn to start a business
📍Date : April 29 12:30
📍lecturer:何佳勳 老師(小圭老師)