【創業家頻道】🎉直播:金書講堂-閱讀X管理新思維🎉 今日邀請第22屆榮獲金書獎之得獎書籍《新苗.薪火 追求台灣的無限可能》作者-✨朱永光資深合夥人✨及劉常勇講座教授,一同交流及追求無限,歡迎中小企業業主及社會大眾一同參與閱讀的知識饗宴。 🏆一起加入我們吧📢 📌價值千元的講座,全程免費👍
📢這麼好康,按讚➕分享📢 📷更多得獎書籍訊息:… 更多
https://books.moeasmea.gov.tw/article-gba-822-8711 #第22屆金書獎
#美商中經合集團 【Startup Adventure】🎉Live Stream:The Golden Book Workshop-Reading x New Management Mindset🎉 ✨Y.K. Chu is the Senior Partner of WI Harper Group and the legendary man mentioned in the award-winning book, Crossing Beyond The Digital Era. He is invited, along with Chair Professor C. Y. Liu, to the workshop where they will share their insights and exchange views with all participants. 🏆Join us now📢 📌Free workshop worth NT$1000 👍
📢 Like ➕ Share📢 For award-winning books, go to https://books.moeasmea.gov.tw/article-gba-822-8711 #The22ndGoldenBookAwards