還在想假日可以去哪裡遊玩嗎?到關渡自然公園呼吸新鮮空氣吧! 關渡自然公園是國際候鳥重要棲息地,更是大台北珍貴的自然保護區,除了可以賞鳥之外,還可以看見溼地裡的彈塗魚,更可以在自行車步道上騎腳踏車放鬆一下,還有哪些呢?快來跟華文網一起看看吧!
Thinking about where to go on holiday? Come to Guandu Nature Park to breathe fresh air!… 更多 Guandu Nature Park is a key habitat for birds migrating internationally and a precious nature reserve in Taipei. In addition to seeing birds, the wetlands offer shellfish. You can relax by riding a bike around the area. What else does the park have to offer? Let’s go take a look with Huawen! http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/tourism_detail/149