… 更多在臺灣,到處都可以吃到小吃,尤其是夜市。夜市是臺灣非常特殊的文化,充滿琳瑯滿目的小吃美食,每個夜市的美食都有不同的特色與風味。透過地方小吃,遊客可以更認識地方特產、文化與人文典故,為旅程增加不少豐富的色彩。TravelKing旅遊王網羅全台夜市資訊,並參考美食外景節目與網友推薦的熱門夜市,為您推出「2015旅遊王精選十大夜市」。它們皆具備高人氣、豐富攤商的特點,且各自擁有獨特美食或特殊的經營型態,快跟著華文網一起去體驗吧!
Everywhere in Taiwan food vendors are common, especially in night markets. A unique culture of Taiwan, it is full of dazzling snacks. Each night market has its own unique flavors. Through area food stalls, visitors can learn about local food specialties, culture, and history. They are well worth visiting. TravelKing’s information about Luoquantai night market was drawn from travel shows and netizen recommendations. For you we recommend TravelKing’s 2015 Top Ten Night Markets. These markets have great atmosphere, a rich array of vendors, and unique foods. Let’s go experience them with Huawen! https://www.travelking.com.tw/eng/tourguide/nightmarket/top-10-taiwan-night-markets.asp