Generally, the most common folk prints are Lunar New Year prints, called New Year prints.… 更多 They were originally door gods in ancient times. In early Han period, the Chinese pasted paintings on the door. Every New Year, each household would put up paintings as door decorations to enhance the festive atmosphere, wish for an auspicious New Year, and scare off demons. It is an ancient Chinese folk tradition.
版印年畫的製作是用「版」當媒介物,藉著複製的技術印刷製作而成的繪畫作品,製作過程繁複,因此一張要價可不便宜呢! 快跟華文網一起來看看吧!
This version is printed using wood block printing, made by copying the technology for printing. Since the technology is complicated, the price is high. Let’s visit Huawen to take a look! http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/chinese_culture_detail/106