【創業大冒險】2021年智慧城市展—創.新未來城市館 經濟部中小企業處以建構「創.新未來城市」所需新創解決方案為主題,精選以下領域之34家新創企業共同展出,歡迎大家參觀! 📡5G應用:運用5G結合AIOT開發GIS 3D地圖。
🚔… 更多智慧交通:運用IoT物聯網的邊緣edge數據蒐集。
時間:10:00 AM- 6:00 PM
地點:台北南港展覽館2館1樓P701A區(台北市南港區經貿二路2號) 更多訊息請參考:http://smartcity.org.tw/2021smartcity.php Innovation Future City will be presenting at 2021 Smart City Summit & Expo with 34 excellent companies. We have a variety of cool and innovative companies achievements in smart Innovations, smart healthcare, smart innovations for environmental protection, smart innovations for safety, 5G applications, Smart Commerce, Smart mobility. You are more than welcome to stop by at our booth!
DATE, March 23th-26th 10AM-6PM
VENUE, Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2, P701A (No.2, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 11568, Taiwan)