【政策簡單說】我國美妝出口馬來西亞表現亮眼 未來乘勝追擊 更上一層樓✨ #馬來西亞🇲🇾是我國 #美妝產品 第四大出口國。 據統計,2019與2020年我國美妝出口全球呈衰退之際(分別衰退15.5%與23.0%),對馬來西亞出口卻逆勢成長,特別在去(2020)年武漢肺炎疫情爆發、國際疫情險峻的情況下,我國美妝出口成長22.8%,表現相當亮眼🔥🔥… 更多 預期未來,馬來西亞美妝需求至2024年之前,每年將以6.2%速度成長,其中,沐浴、保養及 #口腔護理 產品商機潛力十足,可加緊把握、乘勝追擊💪 了解更多經濟部中小企業處輔導中小企業拓展海外市場的資源資訊,請點擊👉
https://www.moeasmea.gov.tw/category-tw-2326 #Malaysia is #Taiwan’s 4th largest exporter of #beauty_products.
While the export volume of Taiwanese beauty products dropped 15.5 % and 23.0% during the period of 2019 and 2020 globally, the export to Malaysia rose against the trend and reached a 22.8% increase. It is expected that the demand of beauty products in Malaysia will grow 6.2% annually by 2024. Personal care products like skincare and oral healthcare products are considered potential products, and Taiwanese enterprises could take advantages and grab the opportunities!