【創業大冒險】✨在地青年創育坊熱血登場✨ 新年新活力
正為在地產業振興與發展奮鬥不懈! 💪💪💪
透過創育熱情點亮地方,帶動地方創新 來!來!來!👣👣👣
🌈一同來感受在地青年創育坊的發展歷程與活力!!🌈… 更多 ⭐️范特喜微創文化股份有限公司
以旅遊體驗活化中興新村,活絡聚落文化觀光 趕快上「創育加速卓越服務網」~深入了解!
https://pse.is/39nhju 📢計畫資訊🏫: #創育機構 #在地青年創育坊 【Startup Adventure】✨ New Series: Incubators founded by local young people ✨ The vitality in the new year!
A group of passionate young people in the mid of Taiwan are now tirelessly working on revitalizing and developing local industries. Let’s experience their vital spirits and see the developing process of these incubators! 👉For more information, please see https://pse.is/39nhju.