【好康活動逗相報】<br> 現在只要到各個博物館尋找喜愛藏品或館所建築物外觀,利用愛心手勢框選最愛,拍照上傳至臉書518國際博物館日粉絲專頁,最高人氣前300名即可免費獲得獨家設計8G紀念隨身碟喔!!! 本項活動內容文化部保有調整之權利,詳情以官網訊息為準。http://www.518museumday.tw 「100個心感動」博物館網路影像徵集活動,5/11正式開跑!! “100 Touching Moments” :… 更多 Museum Online Image Collections starts on Sunday, May 11.<br> Visit any museum and select a scene that relates to the buildings or exhibits of the museums. Then take a photo with heart-shape posture by hands, bodies or others. Or, you can create the work based on your favorite piece from any exhibition in the museums. (Works are no limited in content, formats or media). Upload your work to the “518 International Museum Day” Facebook Fan page during the event. The top 300 pictures get the most “likes “ will win an 8G USB flash drive. For more information, please visit the 5/18 International Museum Day’s official website: http://www.518museumday.tw/