國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年9月20日上午3:23 · 10月即將展開的新展中,也有新一季的 筆墨見真章!
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Coming soon!
The Expressive Significance of Brush and Ink: Selections from the History of Chinese Calligraphy
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 204,206… 更多
Gallery: (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I 204, 206
To meet the need for recording information and ideas, unique forms of calligraphy (the art of writing) have been part of the Chinese cultural tradition through the ages. Naturally finding applications in daily life, calligraphy still serves as a continuous link between the past and the present. The development of calligraphy, long a subject of interest in Chinese culture, is the theme of this exhibit, which presents to the public selections from the National Palace Museum collection arranged in chronological order for a general overview.